Broadcast & Digital

Chomp Squad

A kid-directed (meaning aimed at kids, not made by kids) TV spot must feature action that a kid—and the toy—can do. So I drew on my own life as a former kid to dream up a kid-plausible story while showcasing key features—and make the action-packed fun of “Chomp, stomp, and save the day!” come alive.

Mr. Potato Head Mash Mobiles

Dad thinks he’s pretty cool showing his son what he can make out of this versatile version of the iconic spud. But why limit yourself to a truck or train when you can let your creativity free —as the son does with ease—and come up with a…a whatchamacallit?

Feed Me Cookie

“Adventure is around every corner” is the line I wrote as the basis of this spot to showcase the chops of a new robotic toy. It might well have applied to the shoot itself: Would BB-8 cooperate and live up to its hype? Would Yoda the chameleon put in a Star Wars-worthy performance?

Star Wars Hyperdrive BB-8: 30-Second TV Commercial

“Adventure is around every corner” is the line I wrote as the basis of this spot to showcase the chops of a new robotic toy. It might well have applied to the shoot itself: Would BB-8 cooperate and live up to its hype? Would Yoda the chameleon put in a Star Wars-worthy performance?

Star Wars Interactech: 20-Second TV Commercial

The story pitting Kylo Ren against Rey became collateral damage by the final cut in favor of a focus on features. In this earlier version, the story and characters take full advantage of the exquisite set. Cue the conflict, suspense, and drama.

Star Wars Nerf Glowstrike: 30-Second TV Commercial

Developing concepts for products tied to an iconic brand (in this case, three of them) takes finesse: How do you combine the gravitas of Star Wars, the verve of Nerf, and the wholesomeness of Hasbro? Story, set, action, and animation in this spot work together to find a way.

Play-Doh: 60-Second Educational Digital Spot

Advertising that teaches: Now there’s a concept. We used a “tasty” approach to offer a (nearly) step-by-step visual guide to a project that unites knowledge (and the art of improvisation) with a lot of hands-on fun—without ever using the word “teach.”

Hasbro: 06-Second Brand Digital Spot

Atoms pack a lot of punch. Why not a half a dozen little seconds? In this spot, I threw a combination: First hit viewers in the heart with the wistfulness of the passage of time, then tweak them in the funny bone with an unexpected shift into monkey business.

© Copyright Craig Moodie,